No, you didn’t misread that headline. Patrick spent the past week facing the often-homophobic wrath of 34 million Beliebers by posing as their ‘swagged out’ idol.
Here’s a fun little life lesson: If you suggest that Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney deserves to be “slapped around,” you’d better expect him to fight back where it really hurts — Twitter! Just days after Justin Bieber suggested violence against Patrick, the 32-year-old drummer retaliated by changing his entire Twitter account to resemble the Biebs’ last week. Needless to say, Beliebers were not pleased.
“I am bieber now,” Patrick tweeted Feb. 13 after changing his avatar and Twitter bio to resemble Justin’s. What transpired during the next few days was a collection of hilarious tweets from Patrick (as Justin), as well as disturbing threats from Justin’s angry fans. Here’s a collection of my favorite tweets:
1. “To all my peoples U make make my life so full of swag. I swag out all day just thinking about all the swag u guys inspire me to swag with.” (Feb. 16)
2. “I just swagged out loud. SOL.” (Feb. 16)
3. “I swag ur pardon? RT @frenchanita Patrick is just ugly as f**k.” (Feb. 16)
4. “Don’t forget to buy believeACOUSTIC, believeELECTRONIC, believeWORLDFLUTES, and BelieveHOMEVEGASCLUBEXPIERENCE I ❤ u guyz” (Feb. 17)
Justin Bieber’s Fans Attack With Homphobic Tweets
One of the most upsetting parts of this whole exchange, considering Patrick never actually tweeted anything mean about Justin, was the amount of anti-gay slurs hurled at the drummer from Beliebers. Here are just a few examples of truly disgusting instances of homophobia that Patrick was bold enough to retweet:
1. “@patrickcarney gay” — @hueleabieber
2. “@patrickcarney is a faggot” — @cutie6465
3. “@patrickcarney faggot mean jerk” — @KidrauhPrincess
4. “does patrick carney even realise how much of a faggot he looks” — @delreyvogue
And that’s only the tip of the iceberg! I guess the joke is really on Beliebers, given the grammatical mess of their attacks.
HollywoodLifers, what’s your take on Patrick and Justin’s Twitter games? Do you hope the madness comes to an end, or are you having too much fun watching? Drop a comment with your thoughts!
— Andy Swift
Follow @AndySwift
Patrick Carney’s Twitter➚
More on Justin Bieber’s feud with Patrick Carney:
- Justin Bieber Disses Black Keys Drummer Patrick Carney On Twitter
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