Josh and Anna Duggar have found out they are pregnant with their third child, and want to announce the good news to the whole family — through a surprise dinner! Read on for the full ’19 Kids & Counting’ recap.
When Josh and Anna Duggar came back from their vacation to China and Japan, they took a pregnancy test and found out they are expecting their third child! But even though they are celebrating their big surprise, they are waiting to tell the rest of the family the good news.
Instead of just calling up Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and telling them the amazing news, Anna decides she’s going to throw a huge surprise dinner for the entire family — 19 kids and all! But preparing a meal for 20+ is much more challenging for poor Anna than she thought, especially since she’s pregnant and tired, and has a small kitchen compared to Michelle’s industrial-sized cooking space.
The theme for the dinner is “baby,” although the couple isn’t going to reveal the good news until the very end. So for clues as to what the surprise is, Anna prepared mini burgers, baby carrots and peas, tater tots and pigs in a blanket. Instead of announcing the big surprise at the end of the dinner, Anna wants to present a pumpkin carved into a baby carriage as the big reveal!
Anna Asks Cousin Amy For Help
In order to get the entire meal prepared in time, she enlists the help of cousin Amy, who seems to be getting in the way more than helping. But she finally manages to carve the pumpkin without cutting finger off, and they carefully arrange fruit inside with toothpicks to look like a baby in a baby carriage!
Jill & Jana’s Midwifery Apprenticeship
While Anna is slaving away in her tiny kitchen, Jill and Jana head off to work at the Midwifery, where they are serving as apprentices. Jill is studying anatomy anad physiology, and hopes to deliver babies, maybe even in Latin America with her Spanish knowledge. Jana, on the other hand, wants to be a doula, and enjoys more of the coaching side of pregnancy.
They work at A Mommy’s Butterfly Midwifery, and have several couples that come in every day. The girls say it’s exciting to see the development of babies from early pregnancy until when they are born, and they enjoy geting to know the clients. They also are learning about both prenatal and post-partum care, but are building relationships with couples along the way.
Duggar Family Arrives For Dinner Early
Back at the house, Anna is putting together the finishing touches of the dinner, and is scrambling to make sure everything is done OK. Josh comes home, and is impressed by all of the food and work — especially the pumpkin baby carriage.
But with no warning, the Duggar family all shows up together early! Anna, Josh and Amy are in no way prepared for the guests yet, and lock all of the doors so the kids don’t try to sneak inside. Finally, after waiting for 15 minutes, they are allowed in — and Jim Bob is genuinely impressed by the spread.
Anna and Josh explain that the dinner has a special theme and they should all guess what it is based on the food. After dinner, they each fill out pieces of paper with their educated guess. Most of their speculations were all over the place, considering the food choices were a little random. There were a few odd guesses — they were opening a restaurant, Amy is getting engaged, they were moving, etc.
Anna & Josh Reveal: We’re Expecting Again
After much anticipation, Anna and Amy bring out the fruit baby carriage and announce the good news — Josh and Anna are having another baby! Everyone is excited, and many of the guests even had the right guests!
For their winning door prizes, they were given diapers with chocolate bars inside. Graphic image, but the food looked delicious, at least the way the kids were eating it.
Now, it was time for everyone to guess the gender of the baby, and it was pretty split 50/50! Too bad we already know that secret — Josh and Anna are having a boy!
What do YOU think of Josh and Anna’s big reveal dinner? Do you think it was cute? Let us know in the comments below!
WATCH: Duggar Family Plays Gender Guessing Game With Josh & Anna’s Baby

– Christina Stiehl
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