Chris, you posted a really sweet, heartfelt message to your fans July 16, and that was the right thing to do. Your fans need to hear from you and you need THEIR support too at this tough time.
Chris Brown, this has been a difficult week for you, with a Los Angeles judge revoking your parole and the mayor of Halifax dissing you, but reaching out directly to your fans was smart for two reasons.
Chris Brown, Thank You For Being Great To Your Fans
First of all, you have millions of devoted Team Breezy fans — 12.8 million followers on Twitter alone — and they are always eager to hear from you. But reaching out to them to explain how you’re feeling and what you’re doing, AND to thank them for their support, can only help to bond with them.
Secondly, Chris, you may be a superstar, but you are also a human being, who has feelings, hopes, dreams and fears.
You had an extremely difficult childhood, living in a home where your stepfather physically abused your beloved mother Joyce Hawkins and terrified you.
Unfortunately, like many children who grew up witnessing domestic abuse, you repeated the behavior and beat up the girlfriend you loved, Rihanna, in a terrible incident that you have regretted ever since.
You were convicted of felony assault and have been on probation for five years.
You’ve worked hard to become a better man, to learn how to control your anger issues and to repair your relationship with Rihanna.
You also made the decision, as part of your determination to become a better person, to use your celebrity to help other underprivileged people, particularly young people. You launched the Symphonic Love Foundation and support six charities that are close to your heart, including the Jenesse Center in LA, which provides aid, counseling and services to victims of domestic violence.
Chris, Don’t Let Those Who Doubt You Get You Down
Despite all of that, you were publicly criticized this week by the mayor of Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada, Mike Savage, who said he felt “sick” that you would be performing in an Energy Rush concert in his city because of your assault on Rihanna.
“Violence against women in an important issue in Nova Scotia,” explained Mayor Savage.
His comments must have been so hurtful to you when you’ve tried so hard to redeem yourself since that terrible time.
“The mayor of Halifax, like so many uninformed people, doesn’t realize that Chris apologized, expressed remorse, and took responsibility so many times to multiple TV interviews,” a source close to you told exclusively. ”Chris may look outwardly like he’s doing okay when he’s really devastated inside.”
I can believe it — that you are still feeling devastated in time about behavior which you regret and never want to repeat.
It must be so difficult to carry on expressing your creativity through your work and to please your fans when people like the mayor lash out at you without realizing how you’ve tried so hard to learn from the negative of your experience and turn it into the possible of helping others, like giving scholarships to economically challenged teen dancers to attend the Debbie Allen Dance Academy — something you do every year.
That’s why, talking to your fans in a video, telling them that you appreciate them so much, is the right thing to do. It’s therapeutic to let your fans — who care so much about you — know how you’re feeling and that they are important to you.
“You mean a lot to me,” you said in the heartfelt message. “You mean the world to me. I’ve been working real hard on this next album. I’ve just been focusing on my music, you know, trying to stay out of trouble. I know you see a headline every other day but what’s news? But you know, I just want to thank all my fans. I appreciate everybody. I appreciate all the love. I appreciate all the support and I’ve just been working hard.”
Chris, when you’re having a tough time, you need to lean on your close friends, family and your fans, to help get you through it.
The mayor of Halifax was actually the least of your problems this week. You also had your probation — stemming from the Rihanna assault — revoked on July 15, due to a hit or run allegation, even though the alleged victim came to court and testified on his behalf that you did everything he was supposed to do. Huh?
Fortunately, your rep tells that your legal team expects this matter to be resolved soon and your probation to be reinstated.
Nevertheless, I can imagine that must still feel so worried about that and the possibility of going to prison, and that’s a lot of pressure.
So Chris, speaking out to your fans can only be helpful. They love to hear from you; they want to be supportive AND you need their support right now.
Don’t you agree HollywoodLifers? If you haven’t seen Chris’ video, click here! Let me know what you think: Is Chris smart to speak out to his fans, and thank them for being there for him? Let me know!

– Bonnie Fuller
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