The feud has begun! Season 12 of ‘American Idol’ premiered on Jan. 16, and within the first five minutes, Nicki was already calling Mariah a ‘b***h.’
Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey bickered their way through the season premiere of American Idol on Jan. 16, kick-starting what is bound to be an epic season.
The season 12 premiere highlighted eight Hollywood-worthy performances, but it was the cattiness between Mariah and Nicki that our attention from the very first minute! Within seconds of the opening credits, the fighting began.
“I wanted to bring my dog,” Mariah, 42, said when she saw 30-year-old Nicki’s drum major’s hat on the judges’ table. “We can have accessories? I didn’t know that was allowed. But that’s the last thing I’m going to say.”
“Play nice,” Nicki quipped.
“I actually love the hat,” Mariah said.
“But why’d you have to reference the hat?” asked Nicki.
“In the elevator you said, ‘Stop looking me up and down, Mariah.’ I wasn't. I was admiring the hat,” Mariah added.
“It's going to be wild,” Randy Jackson, 56, noted.
Nicki Minaj Drops The B-Word On Mariah Carey
Moments later, a contestant praised Mariah’s “All I Want For Christmas” as the best Christmas song ever. Nicki fumed, “She's a b***h, she's a b***h, she's a b***h.”
“If she called me something that begins with a ‘B’ and ends in an ‘-itch’, I rebuke it,” Mariah said.
“I'm in a good seat right here,” Keith Urban, 45, who was pitted between the two divas, joked.
We can only imagine how the rest of the season will play out. Actually, we have an idea.
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Are you a fan of the new judges?
— Chris Rogers
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