Onil and Pedro Castro, who were initially implicated in their brother’s kidnapping crimes, gave a revealing interview for the first time since being released by police.
In an eye-opening interview, Ariel Castro’s brothers, Onil and Pedro, talk about their connection to the horrible kidnapping and alleged torturing of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight.
Ariel Castro’s Brothers: If We Knew, We Would Have Reported Him
“I couldn’t never think of doing anything like that,” Pedro tells CNN. Both brothers fiercely deny having anything to do with Ariel’s crimes. Onil and Pedro were arrested along with Ariel on May 6, and released their mugshots for the world to see. Just a few days later the brothers were released after police determined that they had nothing to do with the alleged abductions and torture.
Now Onil and Pedro, both in their fifties, are strongly stating that they also had absolutely no knowledge of what their brother was up to. And if they had, the brothers say, they would have reported Ariel immediately.
“If I knew my brother was doing this… I would call the cops because that ain’t right,” Pedro states. “If I knew, I would have reported it, brother or no brother.”
Onil & Pedro Castro’s Lives After Being Arrested
Besides denying any and all involvement in the three girls’ kidnappings, Onil and Pedro also talked about how they realize that their lives will never be the same. After being detained by the police, the brothers arrived back at their homes to find them vandalized, windows smashed. They have also received death threats online, they say.
They will forever worry that people will think they were in cahoots with Ariel, even though their close friends have remained loyal. “I was a very liked person,” Onil says. “I’ve never had enemies… And the people out there that know me, they know that Onil Castro is not that person and has nothing to do with that. Would never even think of something like that.”
Watch the interview below and let us know what you think, HollywoodLifers!
WATCH: Onil & Pedro Castro’s First Interview

– Andrew Gruttadaro
More Ariel Castro News:
- Gina DeJesus' Mother: I Forgive Ariel Castro
- Ariel Castro's Daughter: My Father Is 'Evil' & 'Demonic'
- Ariel Castro: Prosecutors Will Seek Death Penalty For Kidnappings
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