We've got questions, and you've (maybe) got answers! With another week of TV gone by, we're lobbing queries left and right about shows including NCIS, Pretty Little Liars, Criminal Minds and Grey’s Anatomy!
1 | How bittersweet was it for Fringe‘s Walter to wax paternal about his new levels of love for Peter just as he gleans that he won’t make it to the end of this story? That said, who else let out an audible squee! when they saw who’d be back in the finale promo?
2 | As fun as it was cleavage to see Once Upon a Time‘s cleavage Belle in flashback warrior cleavage mode, wasn’t her outfit a bit cleavage inappropriate? Cleavage? Also, could Rumplestiltskin and the Charmings been any less taken aback to learn that Hook and Cora had made it to Maine?
PHOTOS | Once Upon a Time Preview: Rumple Terrifies Belle, [Spoiler]‘s Brother Shows Up
3 | Hey Good Wife — where you hiding Cary?
4 | Did you notice that Revenge‘s Carrion project was the victim of some creative accounting? Or maybe the jettisoned NolCorp initiative was under such deep cover its projected cost was calculated in its own super secret currency? And does the show really need to play the sound of seagulls in the background every time there’s a scene at the Stowaway?
5 | Has there been an ickier sound effect all season than Adam “missing” the bedpan in the Season 2 premiere of Girls?
6 | Yes, yes, it was “a different time” and all that, but isn’t it flat-out hideous the way everyone on Downton Abbey conspired to break up Lady Edith and Sir Anthony? They let Lady Sybil marry the chauffeur, for Pete’s sake, and yet they’d rather condemn Lady Edith to spinsterhood than allow her to marry the older man she fancies?!
7 | Which unintentional almost TV reunion during the Golden Globes made you more excited: Alias (Victor Garber, Jennifer Garner, Bradley Cooper) or Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell, Amanda Seyfried, Max Greenfield)? And could a certain diet cola manufacturer have possibly run the same commercial any more frequently than they did during the telecast?
8 | What’s the closest possible, homegrown equivalent CBS might come up with for this fall’s Emmy hosts, to at all rival the Globes’ Fey/Poehler combo? Neil Patrick Harris and Kat Dennings?
9 | How many other How I Met Your Mother fans forgot that Kaylee DeFer (Gossip Girl‘s Ivy) played Rachel Bilson’s girlfriend/future partner in Season 6′s "Big Days," and thus were surprised to see her in Monday’s episode?
10 | Does The Carrie Diaries realize that any Scandal fan will have a problem accepting Matt Letscher as kindly Mr. Bradshaw?
11 | How do we get Deception‘s Julian to “disrespect” us with a brand-new car?
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12 | We’re going to go there, quickly, then duck: Did Bones‘ dancing episode kinda sorta demonstrate that Castle could more often have more playful fun with its own lead couple?
13 | Did New Girl waste a perfectly good Dennis Farina appearance on a storyline that repeatedly used horse semen as a punchline?
14 | Is it really plausible that The Mindy Project‘s very private Danny would keep a spill-his-guts letter to his ex-wife in his desk drawer?
15 | Dear Hart of Dixie writers: If we beg and come up with all sorts of potential town events for future episodes, will you promise to never break up Wade and Zoe?
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16 | For those still doubting NeNe Leakes’ acting chops, did The New Normal this week officially put your skepticism to rest?
17 | Pretty Little Liars‘ Spencer is totally going to hook up with the Academic Decathlon guy, right? (You can’t disguise a hottie with glasses.) Also, how hilarious was this guy’s [see photo] blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shrug/eyeroll at Mona’s “away”?
18 | For those NCIS fans not versed in Hebrew, did your heart skip a beat thinking that Tony and Ziva had done the ol’ “I love you”/”I know” exchange a la Han/Leia?
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19 | Is it too much to hope that one day (maybe in Season 13?), American Idol will do away with its annual/horrible “Let’s make fun of Asian guys with thick accents” audition shtick?
20 | On General Hospital, wasn’t Diane’s laughing dismissal of True Blood (on which portrayer Carolyn Hennessy plays Rosalyn) a fun little aside during the Lucy-thinks-John-is-vampire-Caleb storyline?
21 | Nashville‘s stranded-at-the-altar plot point not withstanding, wouldn’t Juliette and Sean’s annulment have had more punch if we’d been able to see them try – and fail at – married life for an episode or two? What was up with the intimate way Lamar and daughter Tandy were standing at Teddy’s party? Speaking of which, Lamar totally fixed the election, right? And is it wrong that we’re rooting for Rayna to hook up with her cute producer/guitarist friend?
22 | Is Supernatural finally calling it a day on Amelia?
23 | Really, Criminal Minds?
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24 | If you’re American Horror Story‘s bookstore clerk, at the moment that a sinister-looking customer professes to be Bloody Face’s son, don’t you just give him what he wants, pronto?
25 | How much more compelling would Oprah Winfrey’s Lance Armstrong interview have been if he was strapped to a lie detector with real-time results displayed in the corner of the screen?
26 | Why does Grey’s Anatomy insist on pretending like Alex and Jo aren’t going to hook up any second now? Come on! And Dr. Smash Williams’ John McEnroe-esque ping-pong tirades — cute or creepy?
27 | Now that Scandal has fully explained the backstory of the election rigging, are you “OK” with Fitz’s presidency being tainted? And for a guy so dense, how is Senator Davis in charge of any “intelligence” committee?
28 | Which was your favorite Florida 911 phone menu option on 30 Rock? We’re kinda partial to, “If you want to know why JAG wasn’t on this week, Press 3….”
Hit the comments with your answers — and any other questions you care to throw out there!
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