MTV, what were you thinking! Sure the 2013 MTV Movie Awards were good (sort of), but they were clearly lacking something. That something was R-Patz and K-Stew. MTV, why did you diss your audience’s favorite power couple?
Going into the 2013 MTV Movie Awards on Apr. 14, my expectations were already lowered because MTV shockingly decided to diss Breaking Dawn – Part 2, nominating the final movie in the Twilight saga for only one award – Taylor Lautner for Best Shirtless moment (I mean, really?). And watching the show my fears were confirmed — the MTV Movie Awards were totally lacking without the spice of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!
MTV Movie Awards: Meant For Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart!
For four years running, Rob and Kristen ruled MTV’s award show, both in terms of accolades and highlights. They won the award for Best Kiss four years in a row. For a little perspective, no other couple has ever won the award more than once, so they’re pretty much the Michael Jordan of the Movie Awards. But more importantly, the “will they, won’t they” tension Rob and Kristen jokingly built up over the years accepting the Best Kiss award were some of my favorite moments.
Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart’s Best MTV Movie Awards Moments
In 2009 Rob removed his gum while we all went wild in anticipation. He and K-Stew inched closer and closer before breaking apart, with Kristen simply saying “Thank you” to the audience. She totally knew how much she was teasing us! And then in 2010, Rob and Kristen played the awkward couple again, afraid to kiss, until Rob planted a big one on the love of his life. Ugh, I loved all of that! That’s the sort of heat that the 2013 MTV Movie Awards needed on Apr. 14!
And even as the couple kept winning and were forced to up the ante year after year, they came through for us. Rob hilariously ran off stage in 2011 to give a big smooch to someone “who would appreciate it a little more,” Taylor Lautner (the one time we were cool with a vampire kissing a werewolf). In 2012 though, Rob couldn’t make the show and K-Stew was forced to accept the award solo. So really, not only did MTV diss Robsten by not nominating them, they robbed us all of the epic kiss that would’ve happened when they won their fifth straight award.
The fans — Twi-hards and average ones — clearly loved Rob and Kristen’s chemistry and sexy performances in the Twilight movies and their hilarious and cute antics at the award shows. I believe that I speak for everyone when I say that the fans haven’t nearly had enough. MTV, how dare you deprive us of the Robsten that we deserve!
The MTV Movie Awards Missed Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
I’d hate to discredit Rebel Wilson, who did an admirable job in her first time hosting the show, and appearances by Will Ferrell and Selena Gomez kept me interested, but overall it just felt like a different award show than in years past. There was none of that tension perfected by Rob and Kristen that made the shows so exciting to watch.
MTV, Twilight – Rob and Kristen in particular — carried your show for four years and every Twi-hard tuned in gleefully. You dissed the saga and its finale by not giving it the proper send-off it deserved, considering all the viewers it brought to your award show, and I think the show suffered from it.
On Apr. 14, while the MTV Movie Awards raged on, Twi-hards like me showed their disapproval by starting a viral campaign to boycott the show and re-watch Breaking Dawn – Part 2. I’ll be watching BD2 all day to continue this admirable protest.
I help you felt that your show was lacking too, MTV, and that next year you’ll learn your lesson and give the fans what they want. What do you think, HollywoodLifers? Let us know!
WATCH: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Win Best Kiss At 2009 MTV Movie Awards

– Andrew Gruttadaro
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